Researcher: Assist. Prof. Tsenka Grancharova

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Assist. Prof. Tsenka Grancharova graduated as a "master" in Medical Radiation Physics and Technics at the Faculty of Physics and Technology of the Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv. She won 3rd place in the National Student Physics Olympiad in Shumen, 2013. In 2020, she was appointed as an assistant professor in the Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University of Plovdiv. Since 2021, she is a specialization student and full-time doctoral student in Biophysics. Member of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society and the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria. Participant in several national research and educational projects. Her scientific activity and interests are in the field of nanotechnology, nanoparticle-mediated therapies, personalized medicine, application of polymers in medicine, physical methods for characterizing food quality.
Selected Publications:
1, Viraneva A., Marudova M., Sotirov S., Bodurov I., Pilicheva B., Uzunova Y., Exner G., Grancharova Ts., Vlaeva I., Yovcheva T. Deposition of polyelectrolyte multilayer films made from chitosan and xanthan on biodegradable substrate: Effect of pH and ionic 2016 AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1722
2, Bodurov I., Vlaeva, I,, Exner G., Uzunova Y., Russev S., Pilicheva B., Viraneva A., Yovcheva T., Grancharova Ts, Sotirov S., Marudova M. Investigation of multilayered polyelectrolyte thin films by means of refractive index measurements, FT-IR spectroscopy and SEM Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2016, 682(1), 012026
3, Yovcheva, T. A., Marudova, M. G., Viraneva, A. P., Sotirov, S. I., Rusev, S. H., Bodurov, I. P., Pilicheva B. A., Uzunova Y. I., Exner G. K., Grancharova, Ts. Ts., Vlaeva, I. Y. Various corona treated biopolymer substrates for the deposition of polyelectrolyte multilayers. 2016 AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1722
4, Zsivanovits, G., Grancharova, Ts., Dimitrova-Dyulgerova, I., Ivanova, D., Kostadinova, S., Marudova, M. (2018). Postharvest quality and safety of fresh-cut melon fruits coated with water soluble chitosan films, Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences, 14(s1), 133-145.
5, Marudova, M., Eftimov, T., Nikolova, K., Bodurov, I., Vlaeva, I., Grancharova, C., & Yovcheva, T. (2013). Advanced physics methods for honey's quality estimation. In International Scientific-Practical Conference, Food, Technologies and Health 2013, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7-8 November 2013 (pp. 208-213). Food Research and Development Institute.
6, Marudova-Zsivanovits, M., Exner, G., Grancharova, C. Detection of wax coatings on plums by rapid physical methods. 2014 Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 46, 11-15.