Researcher: Prof. Dilyana Vicheva, MD, PhD

Prof. Dr. Dilyana Vicheva graduated from MU - Plovdiv in 1995, and the following year she began specialization at the Department of ORL. In 2002 she defended the scientific-educational degree "Doctor of Medicine", and in 2006 she has been successfully confirmed with the title "Associate Professor of Otorhinolaryngology" by the Higher Attestation Commission.
In 2016 she habilitated as a "Professor" of otorhinolaryngology at RU "Angel Kanchev" - Ruse, and the following year after a new competition, received again the title "Professor" at MU - Plovdiv (2017). In 2019 following a decision of the Academic Council, she was elected Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Project Activities.
Prof. Dr. Dilyana Vicheva has specialized in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, USA and others. She is an international ORL expert in rhinology, and participates in international round tables, guest speaker at more than 50 international forums, there are many publications, monographs, participates in the writing of consensus in 10 national and 12 international groups.
An major recognition is the fact that she was an outstanding lecturer on a course at Mayo Clinic, Rochester in 2011 in the United States, as well as other honors. She was elected Congress President of the European Rhinology Association for 2023.
Selected Publications:
1. E Menditto, E Costa, L Midão, S Bosnic‐Anticevich, E Novellino, S Bialek, et al. Adherence to treatment in allergic rhinitis using mobile technology. The MASK Study. Clinical & Experimental Allergy 49 (4), 442-460
2. Chenchev Iv, D Atanasov, D Vicheva, V Noncheva. Comparative evaluation of the subjective results from the treatment of gingival recessions with connective tissue graft and platelet rich fibrin membrane. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) 15 (5), 5
3. WJ Fokkens, VJ Lund, C Hopkins, PW Hellings, R Kern, S Reitsma et al. European position paper on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps 2020. Rhinology 58 (Supplement 29), 1-464
4. Chenchev IL, Atanasov DT, Vicheva D. The treatment of gingival recessions-Our experience. Romanian Journal of Rhinology 6 (22), 85-91
5. Vlaykov A, Vicheva D, Stoyanov V. The Role of Vitamin D in the Pathogenesis of Allergic Rhinitis and Atopy. Turkish Archives of Otolaryngology/Türk Otolarengoloji Arsivi 51 (3)