Researcher: Prof. Plamen Zagorchev, PhD, DSc


Head oh Department of medical physics and biophysics, Dean of the Faculty of pharmacy, Medical University of Plovdiv

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Prof. Plamen Zagorchev, MPhys, PhEng, PhD, DBSc is a Professor of Biophysics and Head of the Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics – MU-Plovdiv. He is a graduated physics engineer (PhEng) in the field of lasers and holds a MSc in Physics, a PhD in Physiology and is a Doctor of Biological sciences (DBS). He has professional experience as a researcher and a guest professor at the Ruhr University Bochum (Germany) and Bad Kissingen Balneological Institute (Germany), as well as a guest professor at Southwest University (China). He is a team leader and a team member in numerous national research and educational projects. Prof Zagorchev has supervised 11 PhD theses and has authored 120 scientific articles in the field of neurophysiology, phytotherapy, molecular biology and laser medicine (H-Index 13, total citations >600).
Being a laser specialist, he has competencies in laser dentistry, particularly in low-level laser therapy, laser- and UV-dosimetry, and laser endodontics. He is proficient in programming and running computer-based data acquisition systems, microcontrollers, sensors. He is experienced in microscope – imaging, electrical muscles stimulation of striated and smooth muscles, cell cultivation, epigenetics, single cells electrophoresis, comet assay and new materials for dentistry. He is a member of Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Laser Society, Bulgarian Nuclear Society, American Chemical Society, Cancer Epigenetics Society.

Selected Publications:

1. Zahariev, N., Draganova, M., Zagorchev, P., Pilicheva, B. Casein-Based Nanoparticles: A Potential Tool for the Delivery of Daunorubicin in Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (2023) Pharmaceutics, 15, 471.
2. Xenodochidis, C., Staneva, D., Vasileva, B., Draganova, M., Miloshev, G., Georgieva, M., Zagorchev, P. The Photobiomodulation of MAO-A Affects the Contractile Activity of Smooth Muscle Gastric Tissues (2023) Biomolecules, 13 (1), art. no. 32, DOI: 10.3390/biom13010032
3. Xenodochidis, C., Draganova, M., Georgieva, M., Miloshev, G., Zagorchev, P. In vitro irradiation of smooth muscle tissues with led red and laser near-infrared light modulates neurotransmission pathways (2023) Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 58 (1), pp. 101-108.
4. Andonov, B., Dimitrova, S., Zagorchev, P., Draganova-Filipova, M. SEM Analysis of the Endodontic Cavity Wall after Removal of Restorative Materials Used as Temporary Restoration (2022) Folia Medica, 64 (6), pp. 969-974. DOI: 10.3897/folmed.64.e68508
5. Kokova, V.Y., Draganova-Filipova, M.N., Zagorchev, P.I., Peychev, L.P., Apostolova, E.G. Denatonium benzoate attenuates inflammation and pain and decreases PGE2 levels in rats (2022) Farmacia, 70 (2), pp. 222-227. DOI: 10.31925/farmacia.2022.2.6
6. Xenodochidis, C., Draganova-Filipova, M., Miloshev, G., Georgieva, M., Zagorchev, P. The Effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine on Smooth Muscles is Impacted by Broadband UV and LED UV and Blue Light (2021) International Journal Bioautomation, 25 (4), pp. 331-342. DOI: 10.7546/ijba.2021.25.4.000819
7. Zagorchev, P., Xenodochidis, C., Georgieva, M., Miloshev, G., Andonov, B., Dimitrova, S., Draganova, M. LED system optimization for photobiomodulation of biological tissues (2021) Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 56 (6), pp. 1156-1161.
8. Georgieva, M., Vasileva, B., Speranza, G., Wang, D., Stoyanov, K., Draganova-Filipova, M., Zagorchev, P., Sarafian, V., Miloshev, G., Krasteva, N. Amination of graphene oxide leads to increased cytotoxicity in hepatocellular carcinoma cells (2020) International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21 (7), art. no. 2427, DOI: 10.3390/ijms21072427
9. Zagorchev, P., Petkov, G.V., Gagov, H.S. Bitter taste receptors as regulators of abdominal muscles contraction (2019) Physiological Research, 68 (6), pp. 991-995. DOI: 10.33549/physiolres.934156
10. Mutafchieva, M.Z., Draganova-Filipova, M.N., Zagorchev, P.I., Tomov, G.T. Effects of Low Level Laser Therapy on Erosive-atrophic Oral Lichen Planus (2018) Folia medica, 60 (3), pp. 417-424. DOI: 10.2478/folmed-2018-0008
11. Zagorchev, P.I., Apostolova, E.G., Pilicheva, B.A., Draganova-Filipova, M.N., Kokova, V.Y., Lukanov, J.B. In vivo investigation of antihyperalgesic and antinociceptive effects of peat formulations (2018) Acta Pharmaceutica, 68 (3), pp. 373-380. DOI: 10.2478/acph-2018-0029