Project: Joint effects of exposures to natural and built environments – informing healthy and sustainable urban development
Research Division:
01.01.2023 - 01.06.2026Project leaders:
Head researchers:
The built, natural, and social environments in settlements have a profound impact on population health. Various features of the living environment, such as exposure to traffic emissions and greenspace, access to services, availability of different land uses, and presence of amenities have been found to shape people’s behaviour and health. Moreover, modifications to the living environment extend beyond the single individual and have the potential to benefit large population groups. Health impact assessment studies are a powerful tool for guiding the transition of cities into healthier, more liveable, and sustainable (e.g., carbon neutral) habitats for humans through better land use changes and better transport planning. Against this backdrop, it is clear that local evidence on exposure-effect relationships between these factors and health outcomes is urgently needed to feed into recommendations and practitioner-oriented urban planning tools that will inform the optimal parameters of residential neighbourhoods for reducing burden of disease and supporting quality of life. This research line has a twofold agenda. First, to leverage data and experience from international projects in order to expand our understanding of the health impacts of established environmental health determinants, which have been largely neglected in Bulgaria. Second, to go beyond what is already known by making use of advanced exposure assessment techniques and applying them to an omnibus health survey conducted in Bulgaria specifically for the purpose of informing urban planning and promoting societal engagement in the process.
“Strategic research and innovation program for the development of Medical University – Plovdiv” № BG-RRP-2.004-0007-C01, Establishment of a network of research higher schools, National plan for recovery and resilience, financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.